Square Confits
Michelle Lynn Dyrness' pamphlet 'Square Confits' achieves that most pivotal ambition of art and literature: to reflect the visual-linguistic essence of the mind. Through assemblages of automatism and improvisation, Michelle Lynn Dyrness' collages are like fragments of consciousness on the page, the mind laid bare in all its anxiety and uncanniness. But there is also an enduring whimsicality here, an affirmation of how strange and beautiful it is to exist. Embracing the paradoxes of thought, the sparse language plays like surreal incidental music for scenes of fractured architecture and foliage. Created over the course of the C-19 pandemic, the book also evokes the sense of a tentative re-emergence into an irreal world. Overground Underground is delighted to publish this entertaining and innovative pamphlet.
Michelle Lynn Dyrness’ work as a visual artist explores methods using accident, intuition and the suggestive revealed in the unexpected. She has exhibited extensively, and is a frequent collaborator across disciplines, exploring the ways image and language inform one another. A collaborative work with Tristan Foster, Midnight Grotesques, is due for publication in 2023 (Sublunary Editions).